Porte Photos’ Daily Pic:

The only thing worse
than being blind
is having sight but no vision.

~ Helen Keller
Blind American author and political activist
Born on: 27th June 1880

Porte Ponderings:

Two barn swallows sitting on a railing in front of a door. A ghost looking from behind the glass, unnoticed until the picture is edited for today’s Pic. Are there really ghosts? Or just reflections of unknown shadows?

This summer is going to be so busy. Everything crammed into such a short period of time. 2 weeks a piece for 3 of my Grandchildren leaves only 2 weeks for self-indulgence. Going to see Donny Osmond, my brother-in-law’s 65th birthday party, my grand nephew’s 1st birthday, Last Party at Kin Camp (now under new ownership), Anniversaries, Family Reunions, daily walks…..

So if you want to capture any special events, don’t forget a good photographer to turn those moments into memories:

Special Anniversaries should be celebrated.
Why not book a private photo session?

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