Porte Photos’ Daily Quote: Wednesday, May 1st, 2024

This planet is not terra firma.
It is a delicate flower
and it must be cared for.

~ Scott Carpenter
Born on: 1st May 1925

Porte Ponderings:

Sometimes we are forced to take a different path or re-route our energies. Yesterday walking the trails in my local conservation area, was one of those days. The morning rain left my chosen trail blocked by a huge puddle. So Rickie and I thought we would take another trail to reach the steps up to see the trilliums. Well, our timing was perfect to see the White Tail Fawn standing at the base of one of the boardwalks. Reflected in the puddle (also too big for me to get across with my running shoes) and watched by it’s mother the fawn stopped to look directly in the camera before it went to run the forest with it’s mother.

Then Rickie walked fearlessly through the puddle and waited on the boardwalk for me.


There is nothing to fear.

The first card of the Tarot Deck. Or is it the last? New beginnings, limitless potential, fearless guide.

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