Daily Quote: February 8, 2021

Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing,
wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating;
there is really no such thing as bad weather,
only different kinds of good weather.

~ John Ruskin (English – Writer / February 8, 1819 – January 20, 1900)

Holidays and Celebrations:

Porte Musings:

The Second Day of Valentines week is celebrated as Propose Day in India. If you’ve been waiting for the right time to propose to your loved one this is it. ❤

Monday the day after the American Super Bowl has been labeled National Football Hangover Day. What surprises me is that this label was only officially celebrated since 2019. I’m certain many workplaces have seen it for much longer.

Be certain to celebrate Laugh and get Rich Day. Laughing has many health benefits. Not to mention that everyone likes working with happy people and laughing is contagious. We really need to celebrate Laughing today as we’ve been under lockdown for too long. So share a good joke, have a good laugh and get ready to see people in person again.

The day after Super Bowl Sunday and the second day of Valentine’s Week is also the week that we pause to remember International Epilepsy Day. Epilepsy effects people in different ways. The major seizure (or what used to be called Grand Mal) that everybody knows is a direct cause of epilepsy. How this type of seizure is treated has thankfully changed. Make the person comfortable keep them away from objects that could harm them (heaters, fires…..) and just wait. Talking calmly to them when they regain control on their thoughts and movements. The other type of seizure is often unseen or hidden. A moment when a person looses consciousness but may actually continue moving or appear to be deep in thought, as my grandson used to call them glitches. Only to return slightly disoriented or perhaps loosing control of their bladder (more embarrassing than the actual seizure). Luckily medications and treatments often can significantly improve the quality of life and lessen the occurrence of seizures. Sometimes surgery eliminates the seizures in some severe cases. Just remember that the person has epilepsy and isn’t defined by it.