Porte Photos’ Daily Quote: Saturday June 1st, 2024

The best way to guarantee a loss
is to quit.

~ Morgan Freeman
Born on: 1st June 1937

Porte Ponderings:

Welcome June!!!

Today we’re having a family & close friends BBQ at the Port Glasgow Trailer Park. My husband and I came to the trailer yesterday, and forgot so many things. Luckily our son will make a stop by our house to pick-up the forgotten items.

I’ll be working on the Church Directory. We’re scheduling pictures for July 7th & 14th. Portraits similar to the School Pictures I did the second year I was retired.

Summer is always a busy time. We’ve been painting the garage, the garden is planted, the fence is now replaced. Next we need to paint the front porch, doors and shed.

I’ve been looking at vacations south and we’ve been discussing Florida. If only we could drive to Florida without going through Atlanta.

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