Porte Photos’ Daily Quote: Friday June 7th, 2024

I shut my eyes to see.

~ Paul Gauguin
Born on: 7th June 1848

Porte Ponderings:

This is the smelliest time of the year. Peonies, roses, silk lilacs, irises and so many other flowers blooming. Time to close your eyes and see their beauty. Inhale deeply and exhale.

It’s also time to prepare the mid-year evaluations. I’m changing my format to ensure I’m focusing on my core business….PHOTOGRAPHY.

I’m excited to be getting ready to take pictures for our new Church Directory. We only have about 60 families, but at 10 minutes per family that’s 600 minutes or 10 hours of work behind the camera and more to complete edits and hopefully orders. Our Church Admin person will be compiling the directory and I’ve volunteered to help compile the hard copies.

I enjoy doing the daily quote, but the Daily Tarot & Weekly Tarot will be discontinued. They were exciting to do, but now I’ve lost the enthusiasm.

Other projects have taken over on me. Painting the garage was much bigger than I thought and all the other new home improvement project are growing. The fence is done, but the gardens need to be re-installed. The shed, porch and deck also need to be painted. The area between the garage and our neighbour needs to be completed with filter cloth and new gravel. I’m glad I’m so busy, but we need to fit some trailer time in before the summer has escaped us.

I also committed to playing flute for my Nephew’s wedding in September, so I need to get the embouchure back in shape. I will have played for all of my sister’s family weddings, including her second wedding.

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