Daily Quote: May 7, 2021

You will find poetry nowhere
unless you bring some of it with you.

~ Joseph Joubert (French – Writer / May 7, 1754 – May 4, 1824)

Holidays and Celebrations:

Porte Musings:

It is so true, that to find something someplace you often have to bring it yourself, whether it be poetry, love or in the case of going to space your own oxygen and water. The first Friday in May is International Space Day. Where people wouldn’t survive without ensuring they bring everything they need with them.

Here on earth we are celebrating National Public Gardens Day. This is always celebrated the Friday before Mother’s Day. Ensuring that the gardens are clean and ready to go for the big plant marketing day of Mother’s Day. This Mother’s Day we’re still under Lock Down as the 3rd wave of COVID-19 is finally starting a downward trend. I wonder how many will actually not go to see their Mother’s or send them a gift because we’ve been ordered by the Government and Health officials to stay home? Absence doesn’t always increase fondness, sometimes without constant contact love withers and dies. Out of sight and out of mind. I’m glad that my step-son has been living with us during the lockdown. I’m also glad I’ve been a childcare provider so I can see some of my Grandchildren on a regular basis.

Another important celebration today is Military Spouse Appreciation Day. A day to remember all the loved ones at home who are waiting for the safe return of their military spouses.