Daily Quote: April 10, 2021

The more we do, the more we can do.

~ William Hazlitt (English – Critic / April 10, 1778 – September 18, 1830)

Holidays and Celebrations:

Porte Musings:

So with many things the more we do, the more we can do. So go for a walk. Slow down the aging process by doing a puzzle or just talking with others. Travel as much as you can as soon as you can so it becomes a part of a routine ingrained in your life and dreams. Practice makes perfect. That’s why so many golfers are out there on a regular basis swinging away. So if you’re a golfer celebrate Golfer’s Day.

Today is also National Siblings Day. Like most families, two of my sisters have recently stopped talking to each other and disowned each other. It breaks my heart. I love both of them. So here’s a quick prayer for all the siblings that don’t talk to each other: may you reconcile and share your time together while you can. Celebrate National Siblings Day by reaching out to your siblings and whenever possible spend time together.

It’s easy to celebrate National Hug Your Dog Day, I hug my dog every day. Rickie’s constant companionship has even been an important part of my life every since I adopted him more than 7 years ago. I rescued him, or should I say he rescued me, giving me incentive to go for long walks and forcing me to remember to play. We’ve both gotten a lot greyer in the last year.

2 thoughts on “Daily Quote: April 10, 2021

  1. That’s a cute little doggy. I have some siblings that don’t talk to each other as well. I like your idea to say a prayer for all involved – including those of us who are in the middle. 🙂 Enjoy your day!

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